Numerical Simulation of a Two-Stage Rocket

This project simulates the vertical flight of a two-stage rocket by solving a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) numerically using scipy.integrate.solve_ivp with the RK45 method. The simulation accounts for quadratic air drag and gravitational forces but does not include parachute deployment during descent.

Project Structure


Function Description
Calculations.one_stage() Estimates motor delay (coast time), max velocity, and peak altitude for a one-stage rocket. Uses equations from RocketMime. A more accurate analysis requires numerical methods to account for dynamic mass.
Calculations.two_stage() Similar to one_stage(), but for a two-stage rocket. Uses equations from RocketMime.

Input Parameters in

Parameter Description
Rocket Stage Data  
  Stage Area: Cross-sectional area of each rocket stage.
  Empty Mass: Mass of each stage without fuel.
Engine Data  
  1st Stage Motor: CESARONI P38-4G WHITE THUNDER (I470)
  2nd Stage Motor: CESARONI P38-5G BLUE STREAK (J357)

This project provides a simplified yet insightful look into two-stage rocket dynamics using numerical methods.

The link for project code in Python is found in my repository: Two-stage rocket simulation with ODEs.